Singing Guide: Kerrie Roberts

Singing Guide: Kerrie Roberts

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing like Kerrie Roberts

Kerrie Roberts is a powerful and emotive vocalist with a wide vocal range and a penchant for heartfelt lyrics and soaring melodies. Her unique vocal technique is characterized by incredible power and control, and she is known for her ability to convey deep emotions through her singing.

If you want to learn how to sing like Kerrie Roberts, there are several things you can do to improve your vocal technique and hone your skills:

Listen to Kerrie Roberts' Music

The best way to learn from Kerrie Roberts is to listen to her music and study her vocal style. Pay close attention to how she uses her breath, how she controls her dynamics, and how she brings emotion and authenticity to each performance. Focus on specific songs that showcase her unique vocal qualities, such as "No Matter What," "Rescue Me," and "Begin Again."

Work on Breath Control

Breath control is another essential component of Kerrie Roberts' technique. To develop your breath control, start with exercises that improve your diaphragm control and help you build breath support, such as the Farinelli Breathing exercise. You could also explore Singing Carrots' article on breath support that will provide you with further information on this specific skill.

Explore Vocal Range and Registers

Kerrie Roberts has an impressive vocal range and uses a variety of vocal registers to achieve different tonal qualities and emotional effects in her performances. Practice exercises and warm-ups that focus on developing your chest voice, head voice, and mixed voice. Singing Comfort Zone and Voice Break - Mixed Voice exercises provided by Singing Carrots are great resources to explore for expanding your vocal range and searching for your tone.

Express Emotions through your Singing

Kerrie Roberts is known for her ability to convey deep emotions through her singing. To develop your own emotional authenticity, try singing songs that have a personal meaning to you and focus on how you can bring out the emotions of that song in your performance. Take advantage of the Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking article by Singing Carrots that will provide you with useful tips regarding how to convey emotions through singing.

Technical Details - Articulation and Pitch Accuracy

To further increase your proficiency in singing like Kerrie Roberts, you should pay close attention to your articulation and pitch accuracy. Singing Carrots provide exercises for improving both these skills - Fingertip Bite and Stop Sounding Nasal exercises are two great resources to explore for articulation practice. You can also take advantage of the Pitch Accuracy test, Vocal Range Test, and Pitch Monitor provided by Singing Carrots to monitor your improvement as you practice.


Becoming a great singer like Kerrie Roberts is not an easy task, but it is achievable with the right training and practice. By following the tips and utilizing the resources provided by Singing Carrots, you can develop the skills and technique necessary to sing like Kerrie Roberts. Always remember that the most important thing is to stay true to yourself and to let your unique personality shine through your performances.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.